Gov Crist in Support of FARE!

Last week I sent a note to Governer Crist looking for support of FARE and their goal of Renewable Energy Credits. Governor Crist’s Energy Office has assured us his support, but we must still request help from our legislators. Contact FARE for more information, but this is what I received from the Governor.

Mr. Patterson:

Thank you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist. Governor Crist
appreciates your concerns about Florida’s energy needs and asked the
Governor’s Energy Office to respond. Governor Crist believes Florida’s
natural resources are second to none and that all necessary steps should
be taken to protect those resources.

Within the Public Service Commission’s proposed renewable portfolio
standard draft rule they have recommended a renewable energy credit
program (RECs). The Governor has voiced his support of this draft rule
and thus the development of a REC market in Florida. The final decision
is with the legislature. There are two bills (one in the House and one
in the Senate) in support of approving the PSC’s draft rule, but there
is also a bill to strike the requirement of the PSC developing the rule.
The Florida legislature is currently considering whether the state will
have a renewable portfolio standard. If you hold strong feelings about
this decision I would encourage you to contact your elected state

Thank you for sharing your views with the Governor’s Energy Office. The
people of Florida will play an integral and vital role in achieving the
state’s energy goals. Please do not hesitate to write us on matters of
energy, and we encourage you to practice energy conservation measures.

Governor Crist’s Energy Office

Feel free to send your legislator’s the link to this page.  It’s!